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In Progress

πŸ“ Find your first Lesson Plan.

We offer three user-friendly tools designed to help you effortlessly and promptly locate the lessons you’re seeking within our Community website. These tools empower you to explore materials so you can step into the classroom well-prepared and ready to teach.

1. Pacing Guides or Daily Schedules

We’ve got your daily lessons all sorted out for you in easy-to-follow Google Slides! Whether you’re working with 50-minute schedules or a block schedule, every day’s steps are ready and waiting. Just check out the plan for the day, grab the materials, and you’re good to teach!

2. Community Class Guides

Your go-to roadmap for awesome themed teaching resources! Check out these handy guides to find cool lessons, activities, and materials on our Community website for your classes throughout the school year:

Lesson Plans
Holidays & Celebrations
Song Suggestions
Scaffolded Ideas

3. Annual Curriculum Map (Lesson Plan Schedule)

Ready to dive into teaching gold? The Annual Curriculum Map in our Community is where the treasure hunt begins!

This Google Sheet is like a treasure chest, packed with all the Lesson Plans available to boss the entire school year. It’s not just a sreadsheet; it’s your roadmap, complete with hyperlinks that whisk you away to the lessons you’re craving!

β˜… Tip: Open the Lesson Plan Schedule Google Sheet and make a copy. Then customize it to your needs by moving the lesson’s cell, deleting lessons that you will not cover, or adding your own.

β˜… Bonus Tip: When you use the Lesson Plan Schedule while logged in to your account, you can click on any lesson title and land directly on its download page.

Here’s a video to show how to use the Lesson Plan Schedule.