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Freebies for Spanish Teachers

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0/0 Steps
  1. ☆ START HERE: Freebies Class Guide Download
  2. Lesson Plans
    9 Materials
  3. Substitute Lesson Plans
    3 Materials
  4. Scaffolded Cultural Activities
    2 Materials
  5. Biographies in Spanish - Notable Hispanics/Latinos
    4 Materials
  6. Culture & Tradition Presentations with Activities
    2 Materials
  7. Spanish Songs
    4 Materials
  8. More Resources
    5 Materials
Section 2, Material 9
In Progress

Google Translate: Friend or Foe? Lesson Plan

Section Progress
0% Complete

By the end of this lesson, students will have learned the downsides of using the translation tool Google Translate and how to use it instead in a way that supports their Spanish pronunciation practice.  It also includes a companion article about Google Translate for teachers and a contract for students.