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Freebies for Spanish Teachers

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  1. ☆ START HERE: Freebies Class Guide Download
  2. ✏️ End-of-School-Year Student Survey
  3. Lesson Plans
    9 Materials
  4. Substitute Lesson Plans
    3 Materials
  5. Scaffolded Cultural Activities
    2 Materials
  6. Biographies in Spanish - Notable Hispanics/Latinos
    4 Materials
  7. Culture & Tradition Presentations with Activities
    2 Materials
  8. Spanish Songs
    4 Materials
  9. More Resources
    4 Materials
Section 2 of 9
In Progress

✏️ End-of-School-Year Student Survey

“There are some great ideas here! I have struggled over the years to find good survey wording that will both help MS students reflect on their learning, and give me real feedback. This doc has some very well thought out questions. Thank you!” -Stephen A., 7th & 8th grade Spanish teacher

As you close out the year, it is good practice to take a few minutes to survey your students at the end of the school year for insights into what worked and what can be improved.

If you can, make the survey anonymous. The idea is to grab information to help you tweak your approach and classes for the following year.

Open-ended questions are ideal for the end-of-year because they give students space to voice out what they honestly think.

Since questions are open-ended, it is crucial to keep the survey short (2-3 questions max.) so you and your students don’t get overwhelmed with the number of questions to answer and read. 

Do you have too many good questions to ask? Do some segmentation! Depending on how many classes you had this year, you can prepare different surveys with different sets of questions (2-3 questions max.). That way, you receive broader feedback about your year. For example, if you had 6 groups this year, prepare two different surveys and give the first to three groups and the second to the other three groups.

Download the instructions and templates below:

What’s included inside:

  • A list of 31 questions to help you build your own end-of-year student surveys. Don’t use them all. Pick 2-3 questions max. 
  • printable template for you to customize your survey.
  • Google Forms template if you prefer an electronic version instead.